Protecting The Value Of Your Car With Yearly Auto Detailing

24 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Washing your car regularly is important for more reasons than making your car look good. You should wash your car to keep the exterior from corroding because of caked on dirt, salt or road debris. In addition, washing your car helps keep the value of your car. Auto detailing is washing the inside of your car thoroughly, making it look new again. While you can try to wash the outside of your car on your own, and do the detailing, it is easier for a professional to do the job for you. Read More 

Two Signs That You Have Faulty Brakes

16 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Your brakes are arguably the most important part of your entire vehicle.  Without good brakes, you run the risk of getting into a serious accident that could turn out to have life changing ramifications.  That's why it's so vital for you to pay attention to what's going on with your brakes so you'll know when they're on the verge of going out.  Use this information to learn more about the signs that your brakes are faulty and need to be replaced. Read More 

How To Replace A Faulty Vehicle Thermostat

13 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If your vehicle takes a longer time to start, it does not reach normal temperature of 200 degrees F, or it overheats fast, the thermostat may be the culprit.The thermostat prevents the coolant from entering the radiator until the engine warms. It helps control emissions and wastes to the engine by warming it up slowly.It isn't hard to replace a thermostat yourself. Here are tips to replace a vehicle thermostat. Prepare to Work Read More 

Semi-Trailer Truck Air Conditioner Problems

13 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Driving over a long distance in a semi-trailer truck that has a malfunctioning air conditioning system can be exhausting on a hot day. There are many parts in an air conditioning system that can cause cooling problems if they are not in good shape. You will either need to get the problematic parts cleaned, repaired, or replaced. However, keep in mind that if your system is worn out, repairs might not be sufficient enough to bring it back to a functional condition. Read More 

How To Tell If The Hydraulics On Your Vehicle Are Going Bad

6 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As the owner of a vehicle, one of the things that you will want to watch out for is the wearing out of the hydraulics of the vehicle. To help you determine whether they are starting to go bad, you will want to keep the following signs of hydraulic trouble in mind. This way, you will know when it is time to get your vehicle in for a scheduled repair at the local auto repair shop. Read More